True intimacy with God may seem foreign or abstract to some. What does it really mean to have an intimate relationship with the God of the universe?
The truth is that God desires deeper intimacy with each one of us. He wants us to experience closeness, friendship, and connection with Him on a daily basis. He desires for you to have a personal relationship with Him. Intimacy with God is within reach for every believer in Christ Jesus.
In this blog post, we’ll explore intimacy with God and what it looks like for you. Read on to discover how you can build a thriving, vibrant relationship with God.
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God Wants Us to Know Him Intimately
Intimate fellowship means closeness. When two people are intimate, they share parts of themselves—their feelings, dreams, concerns—that they don’t reveal to just anyone.
The same is true in our relationship with God. He wants us to open up and be real with Him. He wants us to pour out our hearts to Him and trust Him with our innermost thoughts and desires.
In Exodus 33:11, we get a glimpse of the intimate fellowship Moses shared with God:
Exodus 33:11a (NLT) — 11 Inside the Tent of Meeting, the LORD would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.
This verse paints a beautiful picture. Just as two best friends share life together—talking, listening, dreaming—God spoke to Moses like a close companion. Their relationship went beyond surface-level conversations to the deep sharing of hearts. God wants This type of bond with every one of His children.
I want to caution all readers. I am not trying to paint a picture that Moses was some kind of pal or buddy with God. This special relationship was due to Moses' complete devotion to God. I like to look at it like this. Consider your grandfather. You can be extremely close to him, but at the same time, honor and respect him.
In the Spanish language, they have two different formalities for the word "You" and how you address people. There are more than two in some other Latin countries, but in Honduras, they use either "Tu" or "Usted." How and when you would use these different forms of "You" would be based on your relationship with the person. Most generally, with friends, you would use "Tu," and for older people, you would use "Usted."
I shared this because I found something fascinating about my son-in-law and his relationship with his older brother, who are both from Honduras. Years ago, he was addressing him as "Usted." He would not use "Tu," even though they had a very close relationship. I asked him about it, and he told me that even though they are close friends, he has great admiration and respect for his brother.
In saying all that, I believe we need to remind ourselves of our place in our relationship with God. Yes, He wants a close relationship with us. But He still is God, and we need to have a holy, righteous fear of Him. He is like "Usted" times a billion.
I Have Called You Friends
Through Christ, we can connect with God just as intimately as Moses did.
The New Testament tells us that the moment we accept Jesus as Savior, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell within us to seal us for our eternal life and life of faith. God takes up residence in our hearts! We don’t have to strive to access Him; His presence lives inside us.
This means we can commune with God anytime, anywhere. We can talk to Him throughout the day. We can listen for His guidance, lay out our troubles and concerns before Him, and allow Him to transform us from within.
Spiritual intimacy with God is characterized by this constant, inner two-way communication. It’s cultivated through consistent prayer, listening for the Holy Spirit's still small voice, diving deep into Scripture, and living a life of worship.
The more time we spend sharing life with God, the more our relationship thrives. This statement reminds me of eating a watermelon today. As I was eating it, I noticed something: the closer I got to the center, the more it was sweeter. The further I got away from the center, the more it was not as sweet. To me, that is the same with the relationship with the Lord. The closer and deeper you get to Him, the sweeter it gets.
Jesus said to His disciples:
John 15:15 (NLT) — 15 I no longer call you slaves, because a master doesn’t confide in his slaves. Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.
What an incredible statement! Through Christ’s death and resurrection, we are adopted into God’s family. We’re not just nameless servants—we’re considered His friends.
Apostle Paul even confirmed this:
Romans 5:11 (NLT) — 11 So now we can rejoice in our wonderful new relationship with God because our Lord Jesus Christ has made us friends of God.
Stop and consider this amazing truth. The God who spoke the universe into being—the all-powerful, magnificent Creator—calls you His friend. He invites you to know Him, walk with Him, and share your heart with Him.
When we think of developing friendships with people, it requires quality time spent together. We open up over long talks and shared activities. Trust deepens as the years go by.
Our friendship with God grows in the same way. As we devote time to prayer, studying the Bible, and listening for His voice, we get to know His character on a deeper level. We begin to recognize how He communicates with us. We start to identify what pleases Him.
This strengthening bond transforms every area of life. We gain wisdom for daily decisions with God as our confidant and guide. We experience the strength to withstand trials. We overflow with purpose as we partner with Him to build His kingdom.
I can tell you in my own life that as I buckled down, I had had this earnest desire to pursue Him more and more. The deeper I got into my relationship with Him, the more I wanted to experience it, fueling my need for Him more. What I once didn't thirst for, I began to chase after, such as prayer and reading His Word. Today, it is who I am. Nothing else seems to matter. My whole life is His.
Don’t be satisfied with a surface-level connection. God wants you to go deeper. Learn His heart. Discover His dreams for you. Become His trusted friend. You will never regret it.
Growing Closer Through Various Ways
Think about your closest friendships. They’re built on great conversations—back-and-forth sharing, lots of listening, vulnerability, understanding, and support.
Our relationship with God thrives through the same kinds of communication. Here are some ways we can connect with God on a heart level:
Talk to God Throughout Your Day
Whenever I get a chance to share about 1 Thessalonians 5:17, "Never stop praying." I tell people that this means we should talk to God throughout the day.
You don’t have to bow your head, close your eyes, and fold your hands to chat with God. You can talk to Him while you’re cooking dinner, driving to work, taking a walk, or lying in bed. Share your thoughts, feelings, and requests. Ask for wisdom. Thank Him for blessings. Praise Him for who He is.
This may not come naturally to you, but I promise that as you do, you will find yourself chatting away with the Lord and seeing your intimate relationship with Him skyrocket. It will be a common practice.
Study the Bible
God speaks to us through His Word. Set aside regular time to read Scripture—not just as a duty, but expecting God to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to give you fresh understanding. Write down what impacts you so you can reflect on it more. The more you know God’s heart through studying the Bible, the deeper your connection will become.
Also, let me suggest finding Bible software. I'm not talking about a Bible verse app on your phone. Myself, I have Logos Bible Software. Once you have it, you can add books to it. I would suggest finding Bible study tools. One in particular is the Fire Bible. It is absolutely amazing. It is a side-by-side commentary that will help you chew on God's Word more so. It will explain hard-to-understand scriptures ALONG with the Holy Spirit as your guide.
Example: When my wife and I first gave our lives to Jesus, I bought her a NIV student Bible. It helped her establish a pattern for studying God's Word. It made Jesus alive to her. The study notes were real-life applications. It helped her relate her life to God's Word.
Listen for God’s Voice
Intimacy is a two-way street. Not only does God speak to us through His Word, but He also communicates directly with our spirits. After you pray or read your Bible, take time to listen. What is God prompting you about? What emotions, impressions, or guidance do you sense? The Holy Spirit lives within us to guide us into truth and intimacy with the Father.
I share a lot more about this in my podcasts. Listening to God's voice takes practice. Like riding a bike, we are going to get some bumps and bruises. I remember wrecking on my bike and cutting my knee open. It didn't feel good at the time. Did I quit riding a bike? Nope. I got right back on. In time, I rode across the state of Iowa when I was 17 years of age.
It's the same with listening and knowing His voice. We are going to miss it sometimes. I have been serving Him for 33 years and still miss it. But when I do, I go to Him and ask Him where I messed up. He will reveal it to me, then I make changes. As I do, I find myself missing it less and knowing it is Him leading me.
Pour Out Your Heart to God
Just as you would share your real feelings and concerns with a close friend, be open and vulnerable in your prayers to God. Tell Him your concerns, pains, frustrations, and heartaches. Confess ways you’ve fallen short. Cry out for help and direction. There’s nothing you can’t bring to your Father God. As you openly share your soul with God, you’ll experience greater intimacy with Him.
Obey What God Shows You
As God reveals areas He wants to change in your life through His Word and by the prompting of the Holy Spirit, obey Him. When He gives you guidance about a decision, follow it. Obedience leads to greater trust and understanding.
This is something that floors me more than anything. Many believe that living for God is a free for all. They totally take His grace for granted. All the while ignoring His Word of what He expects of us. They live a sloppy and loose life.
Jesus said, "If you love me, obey my commandments." This is not a suggestion but a command, especially if you love him! We should be conscientious of what those commands are.
I remember giving my life to Jesus and started reading my Bible. It was like looking into a mirror. I started seeing my life in comparison to the Word of God. What I once thought was OK was not! I didn't make any excuses. I implemented changes immediately.
That is what we do as professing believers in Christ; we don't make excuses with comments like, "We all sin; we all are sinners." Sorry, that doesn't cut it. Again, Jesus said, "If you love me, obey my commandments."
What Happens When We Know God Intimately?
Pursuing an intimate walk with God is not a nice extra—it’s essential for following Jesus. Here are some incredible benefits that come from knowing God deeply:
We gain wisdom for life’s decisions
With an infinite, all-knowing God as our counselor and guide, we can tap into divine wisdom for every choice we face. We learn to seek His direction before making plans. We gain discernment to know which opportunities to pursue. We receive supernatural insight to understand dilemmas at work or in relationships. An intimate walk with God helps us navigate life wisely.
This brings back memories of when I used to flip houses. I was a realtor and could comb through the listings of houses on the market daily. I would call my wife and say, "I am going to go look at another house." I would walk through with my checklist and go home to run the numbers to see if we could make money and how much I should buy it for.
I have flipped many homes in my life. Not one house did I lose any money on. We always profited from them. We never lost money because I stayed tuned to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I continuously checked in with God to ensure I was going down the right path. He never failed me or steered me in the wrong direction.
We experience strength in hard times
Many years ago, I changed jobs from one mortgage company to another. It wasn't long before things started going down the tubes. It was not what I signed up for. I felt like I was losing all my clients, and there was no hope. This is when I pressed in like no other time. God gave me strength and peace during that time. It wasn't, but a couple of months later, I landed one of the best jobs I ever had in my life.
When trials come, we aren’t left to fend for ourselves—we have a powerful God fighting for us! Intimacy with God allows us to constantly sense His presence within, reminding us we aren’t alone. We find comfort resting in His arms. We gain courage knowing He is in control. We receive supernatural power to withstand heartaches or persecution. Staying close to God equips us to handle anything life throws our way.
We live out our unique purpose
God has tailor-made each of us with gifts, passions, and experiences to fulfill a special assignment. The closer we draw to God, the more He reveals how He wants to use us for His glory. Intimacy fuels our calling. As we get to know God’s heart, we gain a burning desire to honor Him and advance His work on earth. Our lives overflow with kingdom purpose.
We are transformed to be more like Jesus
There is nothing like gazing at Jesus to become more like Him! The Holy Spirit enlightens our minds and shapes our character as we devote time to studying God's Word. Spending focused time in prayer aligns our thoughts and desires with God’s. Experiencing deep fellowship with our Father and Savior fuels our transformation into Christ’s image.
I always tell people that living a life in Jesus Christ is not a race but a marathon. You can see where you want to go or need to go. Along the way, you are going to make mistakes. You are going to slip up. You are going to think, say, and do things that are not Christ-like. Get back up, brush yourself off, repent, and make the needed changes in your life. We serve an amazing. loving and graceful God.
In time, you will see yourself maturing more and more. You will see that you are not so triggered by certain things anymore. The other day, my daughter said, "Daddy, you seem so relaxed and peaceful." I took that as a compliment and that Jesus is working in my heart through the Holy Spirit.
We are filled to overflowing
Have you ever been around someone who radiates joy, exudes peace, and lives with an infectious purpose? Chances are, they nurture a vibrant relationship with God. Intimacy with Him fills our souls to the brim! As we walk closely with God day to day, we can’t help but overflow with His love, grace, power, and wisdom. Our lives become a shining reflection of His presence.
This, to me, is the ultimate goal. We should be oozing Jesus! When we are around other people, we are just pouring Jesus on them. This is how the world is changed. They need to see Jesus Christ in us so we can testify of His greatness and GLORY!
Having a thriving, vibrant relationship with God is within reach for every believer. He gave His Son to tear down every barrier between us so we can connect intimately with Him.
As you seek to know God more deeply...
Remember that He desires closeness with you. Bring your real self to Him.
Talk to God throughout your day like you would a friend. Share your heart freely.
Study the Bible with fresh expectancy. Encounter God in its pages.
Listen for the Holy Spirit’s voice. He wants to guide you into truth.
Allow God to transform you as you focus on Jesus.
Trust that God is with you, even when trials come. Lean on His strength.
Watch how intimacy fuels your purpose. Say yes as God leads you.
Let your relationship with God overflow into the lives of others.
Don’t settle for anything less than a genuine, thriving connection with your Heavenly Father. Pursue Him wholeheartedly. He is waiting with open arms!
There is no greater joy than living in warm fellowship with the God who loves you beyond measure. Will you answer His invitation? The journey awaits.
Scriptures on Intimacy with God
1 Corinthians 8:3
Job 29:4
James 4:8
Jeremiah 31:3
Jeremiah 33:3
Frequently Asked Questions
What hinders intimacy with God?
There are many things that hinder intimacy with God, but one of the main obstacles is the constant distractions and busyness of our daily lives. In this fast-paced world, we are bombarded with endless tasks, responsibilities, and entertainment options that pull us away from spending quality time with God. Our minds are constantly filled with noise, and our hearts are easily swayed by the allure of worldly pleasures. It is crucial for us to recognize the importance of setting aside dedicated time for prayer, meditation, and studying the Word of God in our Christian life. By intentionally creating space for God in our lives and prioritizing our relationship with Him, we can overcome the hindrances that prevent us from experiencing deep intimacy with our Creator.
Another hindrance to intimacy with God is the stronghold of sin in our lives. Sin separates us from God and creates a barrier between us and His presence. Whether it be through disobedience, addiction, or unhealthy habits, sin hinders our ability to draw near to God and experience His love and grace. Only through repentance and surrendering our lives to Him can we break free from the chains of sin and restore our intimacy with God. The Bible teaches us that if we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Therefore, we must constantly examine our hearts, confess our sins, and seek God's forgiveness to cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with Him.
What is the importance of having intimacy with God?
Having intimacy with God is of utmost importance for every believer. It is the key to experiencing true joy, peace, and fulfillment in life. Just as a marriage cannot thrive without intimacy between spouses, our relationship with God cannot flourish without deep intimacy with Him. Through intimacy with God, we come to know Him more intimately, understand His heart, and align our desires with His. This intimacy allows us to profoundly experience His love, grace, and guidance, enabling us to live a life that is pleasing to Him.
Intimacy with God also empowers us to overcome the challenges and temptations that we face in this world. When we are intimately connected with God, we are strengthened by His Spirit and equipped with His wisdom and discernment. This enables us to make choices that align with His will and resist the temptations of the enemy. Intimacy with God also opens the door for us to experience His supernatural power and miracles in our lives. As we draw near to Him, He draws near to us, and His presence and power become tangible in our daily lives. In this intimate relationship with God, we find comfort, healing, and restoration for our souls. Through intimacy with Him, we find true purpose and fulfillment as we walk in alignment with His plans and purposes for our lives.
Are there levels of intimacy with God?
There are indeed levels of intimacy with God; through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience these deeper levels. Just as in any relationship, intimacy with God requires time, effort, and a willingness to draw near to Him. It is not a one-time event but rather a continuous journey of seeking Him and allowing Him to draw closer to us.
If we truly desire to experience deeper intimacy with Him, we must make it a priority in our lives. This means setting aside intentional time for prayer, worship, and studying His Word. It means surrendering our own desires and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct us. It means being vulnerable and transparent with God, sharing our deepest thoughts, concerns, and desires with Him. And it means actively listening to His voice and obeying His promptings. Through these practices, we can cultivate a deeper and more intimate relationship with God, experiencing His love, peace, and joy in greater measure.
Shawn Paul is an author and missionary who has been living and working in Central America for the past 10 years. He is passionate about living for Jesus Christ and inspiring others to do the same, which is the focus of his blog, where he shares his expertise in Christianity.
In addition to his missionary work, Shawn enjoys reading books, studying God's Word, growing plants and flowers, feeding birds, and keeping up with the latest technology.
As a writer, Shawn's unique perspective and passion for his faith shine through in his work. Shawn's goal for the future is to impact people around the world for Jesus through his writing and missionary work.